Sunday 24 November 2013



But this is the last time I change my domain/blog etc. For good.
AND I'm going to take things more seriously, so expect more recipes and awesomeness at my official new blog.

Haha. Yay!
Okay .. see you guys here! :)


Sunday 17 November 2013

The Pudding of Peace - Banana Matchia

The 411 on Matcha Powder

1. Matcha originates from Japan and is basically green tea leaves ground finely to a powdered form.
2. So because you're actually consuming the whole tea leaf, it's nutritional benefits are much more potent than that of only green tea.
3. Matcha contributes to lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and is full of antioxidants (~20 times more than blueberries) to fight cancer and ageing.
4. It enhances mood, reduces stress and aids in concentration.
5. It's caffeine content varies with some having as much as coffee but because it's a natural source it won't give you any of those 'jittery' side effects.
6. It's a great metabolism booster providing sustained energy and endurance, possibly aiding in weight loss.
7. The chlorophyll in matcha makes it an excellent body and blood cleanser.
8. When mixed with water it has a slight bitter, earthy vegetal taste, like a glass of full-bodied green tea.
9. Tip: When making matcha tea use hot water at 60-80°C because boiling temperatures will accentuate its bitterness taste. 
10. Oh and did I forget to mention that it improves memory?

Banana Matcha Pudding
Serves: 1 greedy little piggy ready to jump-start their morning

1 banana
3/4 cup coconut milk (do not use dairy milk)
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 teaspoon matcha powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Blend banana and milk together, before adding in matcha powder and vanilla extract.
2. Thoroughly stir in chia seeds and refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight.
3. Serve with extra bananas and shredded coconut.


Saturday 9 November 2013

Apple, meet Kiwi. Chia, meet Jam.

You know what's amazing? When you can take what you learn from uni/school and apply it to real life. Seriously. And no I'm not talking about calculating how much I'll need to pay for 1 movie tickets if 3 cost $60.

So maybe I am just a bit of a nerd or a bit of a food science lover, but what I learnt - and remembered - is what makes jam, well, jam, and the secret is pectin. While I won't go into chemistry details, it's basically a thickening agent that traps water and sets jams and jellies giving it its gel-like texture.

Generally jam recipes not only call for powdered pectin, which is highly refined and processed, but also a ton of sugar for it to work its magic so it's not the healthiest option out there. A little birdie told me though (aehm, the internet), an all-natural alternative is of course chia seeds, since these little buggers can also produce the similar thickening effect by absorbing liquid. Say what?

Now I wanted to go for something different than the typical raspberry, strawberry or blueberry jam and so .. being economical I used my near-bruised apples and kiwis! Sounds random huh? You won't know what you don't like unless you try it though!

I was definitely thinking on my feet with this one, but this jam came out pretty successful - I'll be damned. Yep, this is definitely my jam. Bam.

Okay I'll stop.

Kiwi Chia Jam
Yields: Just under 2 cups

cup apples, peeled and diced
cup kiwis, diced (around 4 kiwis)
1/4 cup honey/maple syrup
1/3 cup water (or apple juice)
6 tablespoons chia seeds
1 teaspoon lemon juice

1. Add all ingredients except chia seeds and kiwi in a small pot and stir to combine over medium heat, bringing it to a boil.
2. Cover and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes or until the apples are softened.
3. Add in the chopped kiwis and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat.
4. Mash the apples and kiwi thoroughly together and stir in the chia seeds. Optional: puree or blend if you don't want chunky bits.
5. Cook for another 10 minutes until it thickens, stirring frequently to prevent it from sticking to the pan.
6. Let it cool completely before funnelling into an air-tight container or preserving jar. Refrigerate overnight to let it thicken and set. 

Tomorrow, spread it on toast, mix in your yoghurt, add it to a smoothie or make a PB&K sandwich! I think the last option sounds best doesn't it? 

Au revoir!

Monday 4 November 2013

I don't like ovens.

Ovens, those enclosed boxes in your kitchen that magically heats to make all sorts of our favourite things from roast chickens and bread, to cake or cheesy nachos. What would we do without them seriously? 

But honestly I hate them.

Okay so hate's a strong word but I'm really not a fan because I'm not good at using them. Maybe my 7 year old oven just needs to retire but I don't have a very strong relationship with him. They're just so much harder to work with having to constantly check when the kale chips are crisp enough or when the cupcakes are springy to the touch or the tooth pick comes out of the brownies clean. Even worse when I wait too long and it ruins the whole recipe!

It's a waiting game for me, and I'm impatient so I don't want to play. I know I'm such a stubborn child aren't I? 

The answer to my rants = raw desserts.

It's so much easier with these kinds of desserts because they only require a fridge - set at the one temperature - without any specific waiting times and have way less after-cleaning up to do! So I could basically pop in a raw muesli slice in the refrigerator, go read a book in the sun and not have to worry about it spoiling if I fall asleep instead. 

Most raw desserts (not all) exist though because of the awesome use of coconut oil, a (healthy) saturated fat that solidifies at cold temperatures and makes it perfect for setting tarts, cakes, bliss balls, energy bars - this list goes on really. Thank goodness for the creation of coconut oil huh?

So, without further adieu below is a my recipe 'ode' to both coconut and raw desserts! 

Raw Strawberry Coconut Tart 
Warning: With a 12cm tart/quiche pan this one only serves 1 (greedy but very very happy) little piggy. It will require around an hour or so setting/waiting time but doesn't require a lot of different ingredients. The coconut makes it creamy and not too sweet - but of course this can be adjusted to your own preferences.

Oh and your hands will probably end up smelling like coconut oil after the end - can't complain with that though right?

1 cup LSA mix
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
2 tablespoons maple syrup/honey

Cream Filling

1/4 cup dessicated coconut
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 big strawberry
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon maple syrup/honey


1. Combine crust ingredients and press a tart/quiche pan. Refrigerate for an hour.
2. In a food processor, blend all filling ingredients until thoroughly combined into a butter-like consistency.
3. Spread the cream on top of the crust and set for another 10 minutes in the refrigerator before topping with extra strawberries or coconut.

Have a berry good day!