Friday 11 October 2013

Raw Coconut Cacao Protein Bars

I'll just keep this post simple rather than rant on. I basically spent my Thursday night making protein bars instead of studying so that I could wake up the next day excited about something - (achieved). 

These taste awesome. Don't be bogged down by all the different ingredients I used, the flavours that come through are actually quite minimal - a combination of chocolate/cacao, coconut and sesame seeds/tahini. The seeds and chunky cut almonds also give it a nice crunchy texture.

Ps. Maybe I just have a small stomach but I downed 3 of these today and I was actually stuffed for the rest of the evening (satiety effects of good fats + high protein).

Yields: Not much .. only ~16x16cm square block bar.

1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup chocolate protein powder
1/4 cup raw cacao powder (or replace with extra protein powder)
1/2 cup dates, chopped finely (not blended/processed)
1/8 cup chia seeds, (grounded if you prefer not to have it 'gritty like')
1/8 cup sesame seeds
1/2 cup consisting chopped almonds
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup raw honey
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil

1. Combine all ingredients together, if the mixture is too crumbly add more tahini or honey until you get a good 'dough' like consistency.
2. Press and flatten into a lined, rectangular dish and refrigerate overnight before slicing.
Enjoy :) 

The Gluttonous Nutritionist.

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