Tuesday 8 October 2013

Oh Dear Sweet Sweet Potato Butter

Tis the season for pumpkin ... Not. It's sweet potato time.

This is my go-to recipe for a homemade batch of sweet potato butter, something I opt for if I'm out of pumpkin or feeling like something different from the common peanut butter. It has a similar taste and texture to pumpkin butter but requires less sweetener when making because sweet potato has naturally more sugar in it.

There's so many ways to eat this - you can spread it on your toast, top your oatmeal with it, blend it in a smoothie, dip some apples in it or, like me, serve on top of banana slices. Yummers. I think next time I'll be a bit more adventurous and add pecans to my sweet potato butter for extra flavouring.

Yields: Just over 3 cups

3 cups mashed or puréed sweet potato
1/2 cup apple juice (can be substituted with water, but won't be as sweet)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup maple syrup 
2 teaspoons pumpkin spice (alternatively, your choice of cinnamon, ground ginger or nutmeg)
Pinch of salt


1. Over medium heat, combine all ingredients in a saucepan and stir well. 
2. Once it's boiled, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes or until it's thickened to your liking - stirring frequently. 
3. Finally, let the sweet potato butter cool before funnelling into jars/air tight containers and refrigerate prior to serving. 
Or if you're impatient like me just have some spoonfuls while warm.

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